Upcoming events.
Upcoming events.
In the calendar you can see events that are scheduled for NWA Space and Science Center.
To request a Birthday party, Star party, STEM night or other outreach, please click to bottom below to go to our Outreach event request form. . Once we receive your request, we will contact you for further discussion and place the event on the calendar.
Arkansas's 11th Annual STEM festival
We will be Exhibitors at Arkansas’s 11th Annual STEM festival. This is a fantastic opportunity to inspire young minds, connect with our community, and showcase the excitement of STEM.
Prairie Grove Middle School Star Party
NWA Space and Science is helping with a star party for the 5th grade at Prairie Grove Middle School.
First Friday October
First Friday this month is Spooktacular. We will be visiting with a Mad Scientist.
Springdale Library STEAM Night
NWA Space and Science Center will share a demo and hands-on activities about electricity.
To volunteer to help with this event, sign up as a volunteer on our Point app. https://dash.pointapp.org/events/190157
First Friday September
First Friday this month is Adrenaline. We will be talking about generating electricity using a bicycle.
First Friday May
The Bentonville Square is turned into a giant neighborhood block party every month. In April we will be talking about eclipses and manning a solar system walk. To volunteer visit our Point app. https://dash.pointapp.org/events/112225
First Friday
The Bentonville Square is turned into a giant neighborhood block party every month. In April we will be talking about eclipses and manning a solar system walk. To volunteer visit our Point app. https://dash.pointapp.org/events/112225
Crystal Bridges Pre-clipse
We are supporting Crystal Bridges Eclipse Event on Sunday
To volunteer to help with this event, sign up as a volunteer on our Point app. https://dash.pointapp.org/events/133603
Raye Montague Award presentation at State Science Olympiad tournament
NWA Space and Science Center has supported State Science Olympiad by providing the Raye Montague High-scoring Majority-female award since the awards inception. You will represent NWA Space and Science Center by presenting the award at both B and C levels. To sign up as a volunteer, use our Point app. https://dash.pointapp.org/events/96690
Farmington Library Eclipse Presentation
Dr. Katherine Auld of NWA Space and Science Center will share information with library patrons about the upcoming eclipse, how eclipses occur and how to safely view the eclipse.
To volunteer to help with this event, sign up as a volunteer on our Point app. https://dash.pointapp.org/events/112224
Bella Vista Library Eclipse Presentation
Dr. Katherine Auld of NWA Space and Science Center will share information with adult library patrons about the upcoming eclipse, how eclipses occur and how to safely view the eclipse.
To volunteer to help with this event, sign up as a volunteer on our Point app. https://dash.pointapp.org/events/93425
Fayetteville Public Library Teen Eclipse Presentation
Dr. Katherine Auld of NWA Space and Science Center will share information the grade school patrons about the upcoming eclipse, how eclipses occur and how to safely view the eclipse.
To volunteer to help with this event, sign up as a volunteer on our Point app. https://dash.pointapp.org/events/96689
Fayetteville Public Library Youth Eclipse Presentation
Dr. Katherine Auld of NWA Space and Science Center will share information the grade school patrons about the upcoming eclipse, how eclipses occur and how to safely view the eclipse.
To volunteer to help with this event, sign up as a volunteer on our Point app. https://dash.pointapp.org/events/96688
Rogers Library Eclipse Presentation
Dr. Katherine Auld of NWA Space and Science Center will share information with library patrons about the upcoming eclipse, how eclipses occur and how to safely view the eclipse.
To volunteer to help with this event, sign up as a volunteer on our Point app. https://dash.pointapp.org/events/96682
Regional Science Olympiad tournament
NWA Space will support Science Olympiad by helping write and administer tests in astronomy and solar systems and by providing volunteers to help with registration, showing students to their test rooms and being friendly faces on a stressful day. To sign up as a volunteer, use our Point app. https://dash.pointapp.org/events/93625
First Friday
The Bentonville Square is turned into a giant neighborhood block party every month. In October we will be talking about levers. To volunteer visit our Point app. https://dash.pointapp.org/events/37777
Below is a link to the First Friday Schedule
First Friday
The Bentonville Square is turned into a giant neighborhood block party every month.
Below is a link to the First Friday Schedule
First Friday
The Bentonville Square is turned into a giant neighborhood block party every month.
Below is a link to the First Friday Schedule
First Friday
The Bentonville Square is turned into a giant neighborhood block party every month.
Below is a link to the First Friday Schedule
First Friday
The Bentonville Square is turned into a giant neighborhood block party every month.
Below is a link to the First Friday Schedule
First Friday
The Bentonville Square is turned into a giant neighborhood block party every month.
Below is a link to the First Friday Schedule
First Friday
The Bentonville Square is turned into a giant neighborhood block party every month.
Below is a link to the First Friday Schedule
Lunar Occultation viewing
NWA Space is hosting a public star party for the Lunar occultation of Mars on Dec 7th.
Cub Scout STEM Day
We will be hosting a STEM Day for Cub Scouts in Westark Area Council, our local Boy Scouts of America.
Star Party with STAAR
NWA Space is hosting a star party for STARR: Space Technology, Astronautics, Astronomy and Rocketry a student organization at the University of Arkansas.
October First Friday
The Bentonville Square is turned into a giant neighborhood block party every month. The theme for October is Oktoberfest.
Below is a link to the First Friday Schedule
Scouting event
NWA Space will be supporting our local Scouting groups at an event in the Buffalo River area. We will be doing science demos to support Cub Scout Adventures and then hosting a star party in the evening.
September First Friday
The Bentonville Square is turned into a giant neighborhood block party every month. The theme for September is Art & Culinary Festival.
Below is a link to the First Friday Schedule